Gallé Vaasi:
The cast stone Galle Vase from Haddonstone is an attractive garden planter in the art nouveau style. The striking Galle Vase was replicated by Haddonstone for the National Trust Ascott Estate, where the originals stand in the Venus Fountain Garden.
Owned by the Rothchild family since 1873, the garden at Ascott House is its best known and most original feature. Leopold de Rothschild (1845 –1917), considered to be a talented gardener, laid out the grounds of Ascott in 1902 with the assistance of Sir Harry Veitch (1840 –1924), an eminent horticulturist who was instrumental in establishing the Chelsea Flower Show. In 1949 the house and grounds were given to the National Trust, although it remains a Rothchild family home.
The bowl of this striking garden planter has a wide rim and is decorated with a leaf design having strong art nouveau influences. Other designs that have been replicated by Haddonstone for the National Trust Ascott estate include the Ascott Urn, the original being by Pulham.